Josh has been writing professionally since the mid-nineties, when some of his earliest articles were published in the pages of Action Pursuit Games Magazine, Paintball News and PCRI (Paintball Consumer Reports International). Before long, writing was joined by photography and his professional journalism career was born! By 2000, Josh was on staff as the Assistant Editor of Paintball 2Xtremes Magazine, a position he held for several years before joining Paintball Games International as Associate Editor. Silverman held the Associate Editor position at PGi Magazine until the magazine was shuttered during the world's economic down-turn. At that time, Silverman joined the staff of new digital magazine, PaintballX3, as Associate Editor. Now, Silverman works as the Feature Editor of PaintballX3 Magazine, the most widely-read digital magazine of paintball sports in the world, contributes to other paintball news and information resources and enjoys sporadic work as a firearms and outdoors writer with freelance contributions published on such sites as
Silverman has also contributed articles, opinion columns, event coverage, photography and reviews for practically every paintball publication in which has existed in the paintball world, in addition to reviews on firearms and feature articles for magazines like HuntX3 Magazine and websites including and Featured columns Josh has penned include "The Bottom Line", an opinion column for Paintball Sports Magazine, "Promoter Diaries" for Paintball Games International and, most recently, "The Good News" for PaintballX3 Magazine. The following are a few examples of Josh's past writings along with new reviews, opinion and other work!